A Nidra for You
As we move into these last few weeks of the holiday season and 2021 itself, my whole heart is full of a desire to offer you support and nurturing; tonight, I’m providing a free link to the last segment of my earlier seven-part series, “Friday Night Nidras.” You’ll be able to access the nidra via a play button on the photo of yellow lantana below.
You may be familiar (from Enchanted Rock Studios and/or elsewhere) with yoga nidra, a guided meditation that supports stress reduction and healing through a sequence of imaginative practices. Yoga nidras vary in length; the one I’m offering you is about 50 minutes long. Although it does require the time and undisturbed space to experience, it’s otherwise entirely accessible. All you need is a supportive surface on which to lie (which could be your bed), comfortable clothing/bedding in which to rest, and a willingness to be open to and curious about the process. You’ll be stretched out on your back and physically still throughout the meditation, your eyes closed, your mental focus relaxed and receptive. You can expect to feel a profound sense of peace as you emerge from the nidra at its end.
Whether you choose tonight or another time, I hope you’ll access the nidra below and give your body and spirit a brief respite from whatever might be weighing on or troubling you right now. I’d love to hear from you if you do, along with what worked (or didn’t!) for you about it.