Our gathering via Zoom a month ago—for an Autumnal Equinox yin yoga and yoga nidra guided meditation—was a soul-satisfying delight. We said goodbye to the hot/pitta season of summer and welcomed the windy/vata season of fall with our grounded practice, each on our own mat in living rooms, bedrooms, and closets across the country. We held space for each other to embody our various concerns and grace. Perhaps some of what we lose in the physicality of presence with each other we regain through the gathering across geography made possible by technology? If you wish, wherever in the world you are, mark your calendar for 7:30 p.m. CT/8:30 ET/6:30 MT on Monday night, December 21, the evening of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere—I will guide you in a free yin and nidra practice on the darkest day of the year as this part of our swiftly tilting planet turns again toward the sun.