Movement and Meditation

Pilgrimage: Inyo

With the supermoon and lunar eclipse last night and the Northern Hemisphere’s Autumnal Equinox this coming Sunday (at 7:43 AM Central Time, if you’re marking it exactly), we have the reminder and opportunity again to consider our place—as individuals, as families and friends, as an interconnected collective of humans and all other living beings—on a singular planet in relation to our universe and the wider cosmos. Perhaps wonder and awe and caregiving emerge from our contemplations.

As the final art piece of my doctoral research, I will engage in a pilgrimage (necessarily involving a road trip, in addition to walking!) to the Inyo National Forest in California, to witness among the ancient bristlecone pines, with breath work, yoga, a nidra, walking, and garment mapping as elements of that witnessing, as parts of the pilgrimage. I am deeply grateful for the support of R. and our family in the effortful fulfillment of this vision. I have written and recorded a nidra for Inyo and this season, the first nidra I have written specifically for myself, and another autumnal equinox nidra to share with you. Within the guidelines of the form, I have customized this nidra for me and this stage of my life and work, but if you would like to explore its usefulness for you at a time and place that are best for you, I have included the link here and on Enchanted Rock Studios. Sending you every hope for our mutual well-being and further nurturing connections!